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Accept & Automate Your Loads.

The ONLY Cloud Based EDI Load Automation Online System.

Shippers are demanding more carriers to become integrated with their TMS and stop the manual update process. Join carriers and freight brokers, who have streamlined their EDI acceptance and updates with a cloud-based EDI automation system. Batch accept and automate your load acceptance with the award management rules engine and track your drivers with ELD integrations. Eliminate tedious multi-channel updates, from email, spreadsheets, and TMS Portal updates. Leverage LoadAccept in the cloud with our online portal and LoadAccept Integrated for Legacy TMS Systems.

Load Automation Capabilities


Tender Acceptance

The online EDI load management dashboard will allow you to Accept or Reject your loads, by receiving 204 load tenders and sending back 990 accept or reject responses.

TMS Integration

Integrate with your existing TMS to apply EDI automation to your load tenders.

Automated Appointments

The online EDI load management dashboard will allow you to set appointments and send back 214 updates.

Rules Engine

Apply Rules behind your acceptance to automate your EDI load tenders. Manage more volume with less.

Status Updates

The online EDI load management dashboard will allow you to send the mandatory load status updates. Send appointments, pick up and delivery times, back with 214 updates.

Award Management

Track and manage all of your EDI awards with real-time data analytics.

Location Updates

The online EDI load management dashboard will allow you to send location updates via your ELD integration with bitfreighter by sending back 214 updates.

ELD Integration

Tap directly into your visibility platform or ELD provider to provide real-time updates.