“Should I add this Shipper to EDI?”

You ever get a sense of déjà vu from seemingly unrelated events? Stick with me here. Remember those early cellphone days, nervously checking text and call usage, dreading overage charges? Then came that sigh of relief when one day, Verizon upended the whole system with unlimited service. Suddenly, we weren't just using our phones; we were enjoying them, uninhibited.

It’s funny how that same shift, that sense of "unshackling", is what the freight world has been yearning for. And that's where our story at Bitfreighter begins.

You see, we're not a typical software company that saw an industry to jump into. We’re born from the freight world. Each team member has tales of navigating the tumultuous waters of logistics, making real-time decisions under pressure, and understanding the nuanced dance between brokers and shippers. So, when we say we've built software for freight brokers, it’s a commitment, not a catchphrase.

The traditional EDI pricing system? Let’s be honest—it feels like it belongs in a bygone era. Its formula is simple but stifling: use more, pay more. It’s like those old cellphone plans that had us counting every text and minute. How often have you, as a broker, had to wonder, "Should I add this shipper?" because of the potential for skyrocketing EDI costs? Such dilemmas hinder forward-thinking and innovation.

Enter Bitfreighter. We offer not just unlimited EDI, but the freedom and flexibility it brings. No more second-guessing or mental calculations before onboarding another shipper onto EDI. Decisions become less about constraints and more about strategy and growth.

Now, we’re not here to shout out lofty promises or bombard you with industry jargon. There's no “revolutionizing” or "game-changing" banners flying around. Our approach is simple: real solutions, rooted in our own experiences, addressing genuine industry challenges. 

Freight is a world in flux. Amidst its vast expanse, Bitfreighter seeks to be more than just a beacon. We aim to be collaborators, innovators, and trusted partners. As the narrative of logistics evolves, we aren’t merely observing—we’re crafting, shaping, and participating in its next chapter.

So, as you navigate the intricate world of freight, know this: with Bitfreighter by your side, you’re teaming up with someone who's been on that very journey, understands its challenges, and is committed to ensuring you sail smoothly.

Stay safe, keep moving, and let’s redefine freight together,

- Your friends at Bitfreighter.


The Evolution of Freight Quoting: Calls to Clicks


The Power of Instant Quoting: A Revolution for Brokers and Shippers