Meet Julianne: Cooking Up Innovation at Bitfreighter!

Thrilled to announce a new addition to our Bitfreighter team—Julianne DiLorenzo, who has joined us as a Product Owner/Engineering Manager! Julianne brings a wealth of experience, innovative thinking, and a refreshing passion for product development to our team.

A Passion for Positive Impact

Julianne finds immense reward in both the positive and constructive feedback she receives from users, valuing each perspective as a golden opportunity to refine and elevate the projects she touches. For her, even the smallest enhancements can ripple into profound impacts, illuminating the paths to innovation and user satisfaction.

Julianne believes that groundbreaking ideas can spring from any corner of a team. Whether it’s an engineer, a product manager, or a customer service representative, every opinion is a potential seed for innovation. She is driven by a vision of inclusive brainstorming, where every voice is heard and contributes to the unified goal of pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

Why Bitfreighter?

It’s the people and the culture! Having previously collaborated with several team members, the opportunity to reunite and create was too enticing to pass up. Julianne appreciates the intimate, vibrant atmosphere at Bitfreighter, where her skill set can shine, and her contributions significantly shape our trajectory.

She was especially drawn to our culture, resonating with our emphasis on individuality and positive change. Our shared value of constant improvement and efficiency harmonizes with her desire to streamline and refine, fostering an environment where innovation flourishes.

Beyond the Screen

When she’s not sculpting the next breakthrough in product development, Julianne delves into her longtime hobby of scrapbooking—a delightful blend of creativity and nostalgia, allowing her to relive and cherish her most treasured moments.

She also harbors a passion for culinary arts, a journey sparked by Michael Pollan’s enlightening works on food. Transitioning from a routine of quick, frozen meals to cooking wholesome dinners for her family, Julianne has embraced the culinary world with zest and pride, experiencing the joys of bringing flavors to life.

We're eager to embark on this exciting new chapter with Julianne and are confident that her innovative spirit, collaborative approach, and expertise will be huge in elevating Bitfreighter’s journey to new heights.

Welcome aboard, Julianne! We can't wait to see the remarkable things you do!


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